About Mario 2

I began my path as an alternative health and wellness practitioner in 2010, training in different modalities that ranged from energy healing therapies like O-kuni Energy Polarisation, to Biomagnetism and the trailblazing LifeLine Technique, for which I became a certified practitioner in 2013.
From here I continued deepening in my understanding of health and personal balance. I began developing my own tools and programs based on two fundamental pillars:


The use of consciousness and self-managing our energy, so that we can be responsible for our own energy flow and be empowered through that.


Processing our emotions and experiences in life so that we can flow in a healthy way (unblocking things that may have got stuck).

This philosophy is aligned with

Eastern Medicine
Energy Medicine &
Vedic principles.

“I just had the MOST AMAZING experience with Mario Tomas Lawrence and removing years and lifetimes of deep hidden Murky muddy FEAR!! THANK YOU MARIO”
Irene Hope Burke

“Before the session I hadn’t been able to practice sports or run. And after one week I was jogging without pain.”
Juan Marco